Welcome to Brindabella Christian College, Canberra

At Brindabella Christian College Norwest, we offer a small school environment with many of the advantages a large school has to offer.

The Norwest Campus is located in Belconnen on the edge of the suburbs of Charnwood, Dunlop and Flynn, at 46 Lhotsky Street Charnwood. Learning spaces are designed to meet the needs of 21st century learners and aim to prepare our young people for life after school and beyond as proud, well educated, resilient life learners. At Brindabella Christian College Norwest, we use a variety of pedagogical tools to facilitate learning including a blended approach that includes explicit teaching, and the use of inquiry digital technology.

All our staff teach from a Christian Worldview and the Gospel message is interwoven into all curriculum areas. We follow Australian Curriculum and overlay this curriculum with Christian faith and teachings.

At Brindabella Norwest we offer a distinctive STEM program through integrated teaching and learning that encompasses our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program and Technology offerings that are also integrated with the garden program. We grow prize winning produce in our garden and our students benefit from weekly classes in planting, maintaining a garden, harvesting, cooking and sharing the cooked food with each other.

The students at Brindabella Norwest enjoy lessons that include weekly Performing Arts sessions, Chinese, dedicated Library lessons, specialist run PE and Technology lessons as well as a weekly lesson in our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. We offer a rigorous and carefully planned spiral curriculum with an emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy.

Our students truly are Well Known, Well Loved and Well Taught.  Come and visit and see firsthand the best kept secret in Belconnen.

Our whole approach is to activate hope in our students.