Brindabella Christian College | Lyneham Campus | Well Known Well Loved Well Taught
Lyneham Campus Charnwood Campus

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Co-curricular Programs

Brindabella Christian College focuses on educating the whole child.  This means that co-curricular activities are a significant part of the College program.  We have a passion to nurture the gifts and talents that your child has so we provide activities that cater for a wide range of interests. 

Our College motto of Wisdom, Integrity, Service and Excellence guides us in preparing activities that support the hard work that goes on in the classroom.  Opportunities for Christian Mission allow students to serve the local community and this reinforces the lessons learned in Biblical Living.  Sports teams train regularly and aim for excellence as they compete against teams across the ACT.  Throughout the year there are many Performance opportunities for students who excel in Music, Dance and Drama and this is another way that students may serve the local community.  Classroom Music lessons are expanded on as choirs and bands rehearse weekly.  The Buddy Program allows older students to serve and care for the younger students in the College and classes plan regular activities to share with their buddies during the week.

The Co-Curricular activities on offer at the College not only provide opportunities for students to excel in their particular field of interest, they foster a deep connection with other students and teachers who share their desire to use God-given gifts and talents to bless and serve others.


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